"No such file or directory" error on Email Creation

How to fix the No such file or directory error on Email Creation at the hosting provider control panel.

for those who are getting the following error on email creation.

get the hosting details - username and password.
go to the control panel of hosting service provider.
log in

to fix the error message
go to file manager section.
select home directory 

create the following folders if it is not there.

1 - public_html
2 - public_ftp
3 - mail
4 - etc


to Create Email
go to the control panel again.
select email accounts
fill the fields, you can create the email.

to Access
go to more option and select the access email. as showed in the image.

you will get three option.
select the third option - 

Read Mail Using SquirrelMail

when you choose the email from the domain registered firm, make sure the name server are same as said by the domian registration team, else the website wont work.